How to Say YES or NO in Korean

(Korean) 예 / 아니요
(English) Yes / No
(Japanese) はい / いいえ
반말 Casual language タメ口
응 ↔︎ 아니

비격식 존댓말 Polite language for daily conversation 非格式体の敬語
네 ↔︎ 아니요

격식 존댓말 Formal language for writing and business 格式体の敬語
예 ↔︎ 아닙니다.

대화 Conversations 会話
A: 커피 좋아해요? Do you like coffee?
B: . 좋아해요. Yes, I do.

A: 우유 좋아해요? Do you like milk?
B: 아니요. 안 좋아해요. No, I don’t.

A: 커피 안 좋아해요? You don’t like coffee?
B: 아니요. 좋아해요. Yes, I do.

A: 우유 안 좋아해요? You don’t like milk?
B: . 안 좋아해요. No, I don’t.

In Korean, when people say “네”, it does not have the same meaning as saying “Yes” in English. The same goes for “아니요”, too. This is because the Korean word “네” expresses your “agreement” to what the other person is saying. In contrast, “아니요” expresses your “disagreement” or “denial” to what the other person is saying.

For example, if someone asks you “You don’t like coffee?” (커피 안 좋아해요?) in Korean and your answer is “No, I don’t like coffee”, you have to say “네”. The literal translation of “네” is “Yes”, but what you actually mean in English would be “No, I don’t.”

Strange? Maybe a little, so it is more accurate to put it this way:
네. = That is right. / I agree. / What you said is correct.
아니요. = That is not right. / I do not agree. / What you said is not correct.

When you ask “You don’t like coffee?” (커피 안 좋아해요?) in Korean, if the person answering does not like coffee, he/she will say “No.” in English but “네” in Korean. However if the person does like coffee, he/she will say “Yes” in English but “아니요” in Korean.

You do not have to worry about the other parts of the sample sentences mentioned previously. Just remember that the Korean system for saying YES and NO is different from the English system.

韓国語の네/아니요 は日本語のはい/いいえと完全一致する表現です。以下は、英語を母国語として使っている方のための説明です。


例えば、誰かに「커피 안 좋아해요? (You don’t like coffee?)」と韓国語で聞かれ、「No, I don’t like coffee」と答えたい場合は、「네」と言わなければなりません。「네 」の直訳は 「Yes」ですが、実際は「No, I don't」の意味になります。

네. = That is right. / I agree. / What you said is correct.
아니요. = That is not right. / I do not agree. / What you said is not correct.

韓国語で「커피 안 좋아해요? (You don’t like coffee?)」と聞いた時、相手の人がコーヒーが好きではない場合、英語では「No」と言いますが、韓国語では「네」と言います。逆に、コーヒーが好きな場合は、英語では「Yes」と言いますが、韓国語では「아니요」と言います。



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